This repository contains the original (mat-file: 'original_tc.mat'; variable in .mat-file: 'tc') and frequency-resolved time courses (mat-file: 'frequencyResolved_tc.mat'; variable in mat-file: imfs). Please see publication [1] for details. FOLDER AND DATA STRUCTURE: 'original_tc.mat' --> 'tc' --> subjects x sessions x time-points x components 'frequencyResolved_tc.mat' --> 'imfs' --> subjects x sessions --> components x frequency-scales x time-points - /rs: contains the time courses of rs-fMRI data (raw data originates from the Human Connectome project [] - S500 release - pre-defined bundle of 100 unrelated subjects) + /canonical: contains the full-spectrum and frequency-resolved time courses from the canonical frequency-scales + /cumulative: contains the frequency-resolved time courses from the cumulative frequency-scales + /uniformAmplitude: contains the frequency-resolved time courses from the uniform-amplitude frequency-scales + /filterBank: contains the frequency-resolved time courses from the filter-bank procedures with different equidistant filter-banks. (Note: variable in .mat-file is still named 'imfs', but now the frequency resolution originates from filter-banks) o /constantFilterOrder: constant filter orders were used for each run with a certain number of bands (contains the original time courses absent in folder /adjustedFilterOrders) * /5bands * /8bands * /10bands * /12bands * /15bands o /adjustedFilterOrder: adjusted filter orders were used for each run, i.e., variable orders for different bands * /5bands * /8bands * /10bands * /12bands * /15bands - /simulated: contains the time courses of the simulated data using SimTB [2] and a script ( provided in the course of [3]. Each folder contains file 'simInfo' that has the chosen parameters included. + /mainEffects: simulations where only one parameter is varied and the other two are constant .8 + /interactions: simulations where all possible permutations of values .6, .8, 1 are simulated + /filterBank: contains the frequency-resolved time courses from the filter-bank procedures with different equidistant filter-banks applied to simulation run 's4_mainEffect4'. (Note: variable in .mat-file is still named 'imfs', but now the frequency resolution originates from filter-banks) o /constantFilterOrder: constant filter orders were used for each run with a certain number of bands (contains the original time courses absent in folder /adjustedFilterOrders) * /5bands * /8bands * /10bands * /12bands * /15bands o /adjustedFilterOrder: adjusted filter orders were used for each run, i.e., variable orders for different bands * /5bands * /8bands * /10bands * /12bands * /15bands Reference [1] Goldhacker et al. (2015). Frequency-resolved dynamic functional connectivity and scale-invariant connectivity-states. Human Brain Mapping, under review. [2] Erhardt et al. (2012). SimTB, a simulation toolbox for fMRI data under a model of spatiotemporal separability. NeuroImage, 59(4), 4160-67. [3] Allen et al. (2014). Tracking whole-brain connectivity dynamics in the resting state. Cerebral Cortex, 24(3), 663-76.