Draft search strategies for "Relapse in orthognatic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis" Stephanie Kaluza, Karl-Anton Hiller, Peter Proff, Helge Knüttel, Christian Kirschneck EMBASE ====== Ovid syntax. Search Strategy as exported from Ovid (record counts removed): Ovid syntax. Search Strategy as exported from Ovid (record counts removed): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Retrognathia/ or micrognathia/ or (("class II" or "class 2") and malocclusion$).ti,ab,kw. or (posterior adj3 occlusion$).ti,ab,kw. or (distoclusion$ or disto-occlusion$ or distocclusion$).ti,ab,kw. or (distal adj (occlusion$ or bite$)).ti,ab,kw. or retrognath$.ti,ab,kw. or (prominent adj3 upper adj3 teeth).ti,ab,kw. or (overjet$ or over jet$).ti,ab,kw. or (overbite$ or over bite$).ti,ab,kw. or (deepbite$ or deep bite$).ti,ab,kw. or (mandib$ adj3 (micrognath$ or retropos$ or retrus$)).ti,ab,kw. or (maxill$ adj3 (prognath$ or anteposition$)).ti,ab,kw. [angle class II malocclusion] 2 exp orthognathic surgery/ or oral surgery/ or orthognath*.ti,ab,kw. or (orthodont* and (surgery or surgeries or surgical)).ti,ab,kw. or ((mandib* or jaw* or maxill* or bimaxillary or Prognath* or Retrognath* or occlusion or malocclusion or angle or "class II" or "class 2" or nonocclusion or overbite* or "over bite*" or openbite* or "open bite*" or "deep bite*" or deepbite* or "over jet*" or overjet* or dentofacial or "dento facial" or ramal or ramus) adj3 (surg* or procedure* or operation* or operative or correct* or osteotom* or advancement or reduction* or reposition* or setback or advancement or retropos* or retrus* or fixation* or distract* or resect*)).ti,ab,kw. or (mandibulotom* or mandibulectom* or hemimandibulectom* or maxillotom* or maxillectom*).ti,ab,kw. or ("Le Fort" or lefort).ti,ab,kw. or ((exp jaw malformation/ or malocclusion/) and su.fs.) [orthognatic surgery] 3 1 and 2 [angle class II malocclusion AND orthognatic surgery] *************************** MEDLINE ======= Ovid syntax. Search Strategy as exported from Ovid (record counts removed): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 exp Malocclusion, Angle Class II/ or Retrognathia/ or Micrognathism/ or (("class II" or "class 2") and malocclusion$).ti,ab,kf. or (posterior adj3 occlusion$).ti,ab,kf. or (distoclusion$ or disto-occlusion$ or distocclusion$).ti,ab,kf. or (distal adj (occlusion$ or bite$)).ti,ab,kf. or retrognath$.ti,ab,kf. or (prominent adj3 upper adj3 teeth).ti,ab,kf. or (overjet$ or over jet$).ti,ab,kf. or (overbite$ or over bite$).ti,ab,kf. or (deepbite$ or deep bite$).ti,ab,kf. or (mandib$ adj3 (micrognath$ or retropos$ or retrus$)).ti,ab,kf. or (maxill$ adj3 (prognath$ or anteposition$)).ti,ab,kf. [angle class II malocclusion] 2 exp orthognathic surgical procedures/ or osteotomy, le fort/ or osteotomy, sagittal split ramus/ or Osteotomy/ or Surgery, Oral/ or Oral Surgical Procedures/ or Jaw Fixation Techniques/ or Mandibular Advancement/ or exp Orthognathic Surgical Procedures/ or ((Jaw Abnormalities/ or exp Malocclusion/ or Micrognathism/ or Retrognathia/ or exp Jaw/) and su.fs.) or orthognath*.ti,ab,kf. or (orthodont* and (surgery or surgeries or surgical)).ti,ab,kf. or ((mandib* or jaw* or maxill* or bimaxillary or Prognath* or Retrognath* or occlusion or malocclusion or angle or "class II" or "class 2" or nonocclusion or overbite* or "over bite*" or openbite* or "open bite*" or "deep bite*" or deepbite* or "over jet*" or overjet* or dentofacial or "dento facial" or ramal or ramus) adj3 (surg* or procedure* or operation* or operative or correct* or osteotom* or advancement or reduction* or reposition* or setback or advancement or retropos* or retrus* or fixation* or distract* or resect*)).ti,ab,kf. or (mandibulotom* or mandibulectom* or hemimandibulectom* or maxillotom* or maxillectom*).ti,ab,kf. or ("Le Fort" or lefort).ti,ab,kf. or ((exp jaw malformation/ or malocclusion/) and su.fs.) [orthognatic surgery] 3 1 and 2 [angle class II malocclusion AND orthognatic surgery] 4 3 not (animals/ not human/) [exclusion of animal-only studies] ***************************