Draft search strategy for MEDLINE (Ovid) Database: Ovid MEDLINE ALL (medall) 1 ((alpha 1-Antitrypsin/ or alpha 1 antitr*.ti,ab,kf. or alpha1 antitr*.ti,ab,kf. or alpha one antitr*.ti,ab,kf. or alpha 1 antiprotease.ti,ab,kf. or alpha 1 antiproteinase.ti,ab,kf. or alfa 1 antitr*.ti,ab,kf. or alfa1 antitr*.ti,ab,kf. or alfa one antitr*.ti,ab,kf. or alpha 1 trypsin inhibitor.ti,ab,kf. or alpha 1 pi.ti,ab,kf. or alpha-1-at.ti,ab,kf. or AAT.ti,ab,kf. or A1AT.ti,ab,kf. or 1AT.ti,ab,kf. or Serpin A1.ti,ab,kf. or alpha 1 protease inhibitor.ti,ab,kf. or alpha1 protease inhibitor.ti,ab,kf. or alpha 1 proteinase inhibitor.ti,ab,kf. or alpha1 proteinase inhibitor.ti,ab,kf. or antitrypsin alpha 1.ti,ab,kf. or A1PI.ti,ab,kf.) and (deficien* or lack* or mangel*).ti,ab,kf.) or alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency/ or mckusick 10740.ti,ab,kf. or (AATD or AATM).ti,ab,kf. [A: Population - AATD] 2 "Quality of Life"/ or (HR-PRO or HRPRO or qol or QL or hrql or hrqol).ti,ab,kf. or (quality adj2 (life or living)).ti,ab,kf. or exp "Activities of Daily Living"/ or (activit* adj2 (daily adj (life or living))).ti,ab,kf. or "adl".ti,ab,kf. or "chronic limitation o# activity".ti,ab,kf. or "self care*".ti,ab,kf. or "Health Status"/ or (health adj2 (status or state or level* or index* or indices or profile*)).ti,ab,kf. or "Patient Reported Outcome Measures"/ or (proms or proms or pro or pros).ti,ab,kf. or ((patient or self or carer or proxy) adj3 (appraisal* or appraised or report or reported or reporting or rated or rating or ratings or based or assessed or assessment or assessments)).ti,ab,kf. or ((disability or function or functional or functions or subjective or utility or utilities or wellbeing or well being) adj3 (outcome or outcomes or index or indices or instrument or instruments or measure or measures or questionnaire or questionnaires or profile or profiles or scale or scales or score or scores or status or survey or surveys)).ti,ab,kf. or (satisfaction or emotions or life-impact or sexual-impact or functioning or wellbeing or well-being).ti,ab,kf. [B: Construct - Quality of Life] 3 This is a pro-forma search statement as a placeholder yielding no records - the list of AATD-specific PROMS is currently empty.ti. [C: Individual AATD-specific PROMs] 4 (Short form 12 or SF-12 or SF12 or 12-Item Short-Form or (Short form 36 or SF-36 or SF36 or 36-Item Short-Form) or COPD assessment test or (CAT and (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD)) or (modified Medical Research Council dyspn?ea scale or mMRC or mrc dyspn?ea scale) or (EuroQoL 5-dimension* or EuroQoL* or Euro QoL* or EQ-5D) or (Physical activity vital signs questionnaire or Physical activity vital sign* or PAVS) or (St George's Respiratory Questionnaire or St George* or SGRQ) or ("body mass index airflow obstruction dyspn?ea and exercise" or "body mass index airflow obstruction dyspn?ea exercise" or BODE) or ("body mass index airflow obstruction dyspn?ea and exacerbation*" or "body mass index airflow obstruction dyspn?ea exacerbation*" or BODEx)).ti,ab,kf. [D: Individual generic PROMs] 5 (1 and 2) or 3 or (4 and 1) [(population AND construct) OR (individual AATD-specific PROMs) OR (individual generic PROMs AND population) ]