Search strategy for Phase 1: Search for systematic reviews in MEDLINE ============================================================================== Search run on: 2021-06-16 ``` Ovid MEDLINE(R) ALL <1946 to June 15, 2021> 1 Dental Cavity Preparation/ or Dental Atraumatic Restorative Treatment/ or ((selectiv* or minimal* or minimum or partial* or incomplet* or stepwise or atraumatic or 1-step or one-step or 2-step or two-step or noninvasive or non-invasive or nonmechanical or non-mechanical or ultraconservative or ultra-conservative) adj6 (remov* or excavat* or prepar* or restorat* or dentin*)).ti,ab,kf. or removal strategies.ti,ab,kf. or "two session".ti,ab,kf. or "alternative restorative treatment*".ti,ab,kf. or "nonā€restorative cavity control".ti,ab,kf. or "minimally invasive".ti,ab,kf. [Selective removal: First priority terms] 125760 2 "dental pulp capping"/ or "pulp capping*".ti,ab,kf. or "indirect pulp".ti,ab,kf. or "vital pulp therap*".ti,ab,kf. or "cavity liner*".ti,ab,kf. [Selective removal: Second priority terms] 2926 3 exp Dental Caries/ or (caries or carious).ti,ab,kf. or ((dental or dentin* or tooth or teeth) adj6 (decay* or lesion* or cavit*)).ti,ab,kf. [Caries] 71563 4 1 and 3 [Selective removal (first priority terms) AND Caries] 4122 5 2 and 3 [Selective removal (second priority terms) AND Caries] 739 6 4 or 5 [Selective removal AND Caries] 4693 7 limit 6 to systematic reviews 105 ```