--- experiment: type: Torquemeter id: SCR_017276 name: wtb-rut-colorlearning title: rutabaga vs. wtb in closed-loop color learning description: Comparison of rutabaga mutants and wild type 'Berlin' flies in closed-loop blue-green color learning, requiring angle-integration licenses: name: ODC-PDDL-1.0 uri: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl author: name: bjoern-brembs description: Björn Brembs firstName: Björn lastName: Brembs id: 0000-0001-7824-7650 nds: aaa12345 metadata: date: "today" # or 2023-01-23 dateType: "published" # oaType: "primary" # gold_paid, gold_free, gold_olh, scoap, hybrid, offsetting, rsc, alliance, copyright_law, sherpa, before1994, individual_contract, no_oa, unknown, other, or leave empty string subjects: ["ddc_2_570"] institutions: ["fak11_02_09"] createdHere: "yes" # unknown, no, partially type: "dataset" # article, book_section, monograph, conference_item, book, thesis_rgbg, thesis, teaching_resource, video, image, audio, experiment, software, patent, journal, translation, other resources: - name: WTB title: wild type Berlin description: control data: - wtb_color_01.xml - wtb_color_02.xml - wtb_color_03.xml - wtb_color_04.xml - wtb_color_05.xml - wtb_color_06.xml #something not right # - wtb_color_07.xml duplicate # - wtb_color_08.xml duplicate - wtb_color_09.xml # - wtb_color_10.xml duplicate - wtb_color_11.xml - wtb_color_12.xml - wtb_color_13.xml - wtb_color_14.xml - wtb_color_15.xml - wtb_color_16.xml - wtb_color_17.xml #optomotor shift - drifting? - wtb_color_18.xml - wtb_color_19.xml - wtb_color_20.xml - wtb_color_21.xml - wtb_color_22.xml - wtb_color_23.xml - wtb_color_24.xml - wtb_color_25.xml - wtb_color_26.xml id: FBst0302270 - name: rut title: rutabaga mutant description: experimental data: - rut_color_01.xml - rut_color_02.xml - rut_color_03.xml - rut_color_04.xml - rut_color_05.xml - rut_color_06.xml # - rut_color_07.xml duplicate # - rut_color_08.xml duplicate - rut_color_09.xml # - rut_color_10.xml duplicate - rut_color_11.xml - rut_color_12.xml - rut_color_13.xml - rut_color_14.xml - rut_color_15.xml - rut_color_16.xml #-rut_color_17.xml #data corrupted id: FBal0032625 statistics: significance-levels: - 0.005 - 0.001 - 0.0001 priors: - 0.5 - 0.9 color-range: - cornflowerblue - goldenrod1 - khaki - olivedrab3 - indianred1 - plum3 learning-score: title: PI8 description: First test after last training data: 8 single.groups: title: several single group tests against zero description: one sided Wilcoxon-Tests and Bayes Factors data: 1 #yes two.groups: title: several two-sided tests description: Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction (U-Test) and Bayes Factor power: greater #first group is tested for being lower than second group (alternatives: greater, two.sided) data: 1 #yes three.groups: title: two-sided tests description: Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction (U-Test) power: less #first group is tested for being lower than second group (alternatives: greater, two.sided) data: 0 #yes mediatype: text/csv/xml epid: 522