for time series data set: “aPKCdelta adult expression

Rendered on 25 September 2022

1 Metadata

dataset file (YAML): aPKCdelta adult expression
Description: Expression of aPKCdelta in adutl drosophila, half experiment time, operant self-learning
Measurement RRID: xy
Experimenter: Andreas Ehweiner; ORCID: 0000-0001-8445-0946
Experiment duration: 13M 0S

2 Experimental Design

3 Experimental groups and single fly evaluations

Number of experimental groups: 2

4 Histograms

4.1 Fly Behavior Histograms

aPKCdelta x nsybGal4 + RU half

aPKCdelta x nsybGal4 no RU half

4.2 Superimposed Histograms

5 Optomotor evaluations

5.1 Optomotor traces (right/left) at start of experiment

5.2 Optomotor traces (right/left) at end of experiment

5.3 Optomotor Parameter Analysis

5.4 Optomotor Magnitude at start of experiment

5.5 Optomotor Slope at start of experiment

5.6 Asymmetry Index Magn. at start of experiment

5.7 Asymmetry Index Slope at start of experiment

5.8 Optomotor Magnitude at end of experiment

5.9 Optomotor Slope at end of experiment

5.10 Asymmetry Index Magn. at end of experiment

5.11 Asymmetry Index Slope at end of experiment

6 Fourier Spectrum Analysis

7 Dwelling Times

8 Performance Indices

8.1 Performance Index bar plot with SEM:

8.2 Performance Index bar plot - preference subtracted:

8.3 Performance Index box&dotplot with notches:

8.4 Performance Index box&dotplot without notches:

8.5 Performance Index Violin Plot:

9 Learning Score Statistics

9.1 Statistical tests of single groups against zero

9.2 Statistical tests between two groups

9.3 Estimation statistics

9.4 Split Violin Plot

9.5 Raincloudplot