--- experiment: type: Torquemeter id: SCR_017276 name: torquelearning_left_right_comparison title: Wild Type Berlin Torque Learning, left+right description: Standard torque learning eight minutes training; comparing flies punished on left turning torque to those on right turning torque and their optomotore responses before and after the experiment licenses: name: ODC-PDDL-1.0 uri: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl author: name: bjoern-brembs description: Björn Brembs firstName: Björn lastName: Brembs id: 0000-0001-7824-7650 resources: - name: left title: left_trq description: punished on left turning torque data: - wtb-1.xml - wtb-3.xml - wtb-6.xml - wtb-8.xml - wtb-9.xml - wtb-10.xml - wtb-12.xml - wtb-14.xml - wtb-16.xml # - wtb-18.xml #large OM asymmetry before - wtb-21.xml #adjusted torque down in 1st period - wtb-23.xml # - wtb-25.xml #strong pos. preference, hardly any heat, very asymmetric OM before # - wtb-27.xml #18-07: hot day, no learning, #large OM before asymmetry - wtb-29.xml #18-07: hot day, no learning # - wtb-31.xml #extreme positive preference # - wtb-33.xml #many pauses #19-07: hot day, no learning - wtb-35.xml - wtb-37.xml - wtb-39.xml #poor avoidance - wtb-41.xml # - wtb-43.xml #totally abnormal OM before, weird avoidance - wtb-45.xml #pauses during OM before # - wtb-47.xml #totally weird OM behavior, pause during OM before, high OM asyymetry before - wtb-49.xml #one pause in OM before - wtb-51.xml #pauses during OM after, high preference - wtb-53.xml - wtb-55.xml #strong positive preference, exclude? - wtb-57.xml #slow OM before, many pauses # - wtb-59.xml #extreme positive preference - name: right title: right_trq description: punished on right turning torque data: - wtb-0.xml # - wtb-2.xml #pauses during OM, large asymmetry during OM before - wtb-4.xml - wtb-5.xml - wtb-7.xml - wtb-11.xml # - wtb-13.xml #very strong positive preference, hardly any heat - wtb-15.xml # - wtb-17.xml #high OM asymmetry before training # - wtb-19.xml #many pauses, also during OM after # - wtb-20.xml #no flight in OM after - wtb-22.xml # - wtb-24.xml #OM not adjusted to symmetry - wtb-26.xml #18-07: hot day, no learning - wtb-28.xml #18-07: hot day, no learning - wtb-30.xml #19-07: hot day, no learning - wtb-32.xml #19-07: hot day, no learning - wtb-34.xml - wtb-36.xml #strong psoitive preference - wtb-38.xml - wtb-40.xml # - wtb-42.xml #large OM asymmetry before - wtb-44.xml - wtb-46.xml #weak avoidance - wtb-48.xml # - wtb-50.xml #pause during OM before, many pauses during OM after, rather strong preference - wtb-52.xml - wtb-54.xml #highly variable OM before, olderfly # - wtb-56.xml #too long pause in test - wtb-58.xml #a few, brief pasues during OM periods # - wtb-60.xml #long pause in middle test? Pauses during last periods, no flight during OM after statistics: significance-levels: - 0.005 - 0.001 - 0.0001 priors: - 0.5 - 0.9 color-range: - khaki - olivedrab3 - cornflowerblue - goldenrod1 - indianred1 - plum3 learning-score: title: PI8 description: First test after last training data: 12 single.groups: title: several single group tests against zero description: one sided Wilcoxon-Tests and Bayes Factors data: 1 #yes two.groups: title: Testing two groups against each other description: Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction (U-Test) and Bayes Factor power: two.sided #testing both directions (alternatives: less, greater, two.sided) data: 1 #yes three.groups: title: tests of pairs of groups description: Testing two controls against one experimental group power: two.sided #two-sided test (alternatives: less, greater, two.sided) data: 0 #no mediatype: text/csv/xml epid: 518