In this work, we propose the correction of univariate single channel EEGs using a kernel technique. The EEG signal is embedded in its time-delayed coordinates obtaining a multivariate signal. A kernel subspace technique is used for denoising and artefact extraction. The proposed kernel method follows a greedy approach to use a reduced data set to compute a new basis onto which to project the ...
In this work, we propose the correction of univariate single channel EEGs using a kernel technique. The EEG signal is embedded in its time-delayed coordinates obtaining a multivariate signal. A kernel subspace technique is used for denoising and artefact extraction. The proposed kernel method follows a greedy approach to use a reduced data set to compute a new basis onto which to project the mapped data in feature space. The pre-image of the reconstructed multivariate signal is computed and the embedding is reverted. The resultant signal is the high amplitude artifact which must be subtracted from the original signal to obtain a corrected version of the underlying signal.