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Isolation and identification of the constituents from Ruscus aculeatus L. and their in vitro activity

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Barbic, Matej
Date of publication of this fulltext: 04 Mar 2011 15:03

Abstract (English)

Ruscus aculeatus L., also known as Butcher’s Broom, Kneeholy, Jew's Myrtle or Sweet Broom, belongs to the family Ruscaceae and is sometimes also classified in the families of Liliaceae, Asparagaceae or Convallariaceae. Main constituents of the underground parts of R. aculeatus are steroidal saponins, where both spirostanols and furostanols occur. Traditionally, rhizomes of Butcher's Broom were ...


Translation of the abstract (German)

Ruscus aculeatus L., auch bekannt unter dem Namen Butcher’s Broom, Kneeholy, Jew's Myrtle, Sweet Broom oder Stechender Mäusedorn im deutschsprachigen Raum, gehört zur Familie der Ruscaceae, wird aber manchmal auch in die Familie der Liliaceae, Asparagaceae oder Convallariaceae eingestuft. Hauptinhaltstoffe des unterirdischen Teils der Pflanze sind Steroidsaponine (Spirostanole und Furostanole). ...


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