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Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen über Veränderungen des Lipid- und Proteinstoffwechsels bei L-Carnitin-supplementierter totaler parenteraler Ernährung = Animal experiment studies on the changes in lipid and protein metabolism in L-carnitine-supplemented total parenteral nutrition

Böhles, H. ; Segerer, Hugo ; Fekl, W. ; Stehr, K.


The influence of i.v. L-carnitine on parameters of lipid- and nitrogen metabolism was studied during total parenteral nutrition of mini pigs (x: 4077; n = 9). The infusion protocol was divided into isocaloric and isonitrogenous 48-hour-periods. Amino acids (3 g/kg/day) were administered throughout all three periods. 140 Cal/kg/day were given as non-protein calories, consisting only of glucose ...


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