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"Methanocaldococcus villosus" sp. nov., a heavily flagellated archaeon that adheres to surfaces and forms cell–cell contacts

DOI to cite this document:
Bellack, Annett ; Huber, Harald ; Rachel, Reinhard ; Wanner, Gerhard ; Wirth, Reinhard
(443kB) - Repository staff only
Date of publication of this fulltext: 11 Jul 2011 10:56


A novel chemolithoautotrophic, hyperthermophilic methanogen was isolated from a submarine hydrothermal system at the Kolbeinsey Ridge, north of Iceland. Based on its 16S rRNA gene sequence, the strain belongs to the order Methanococcales within the genus Methanocaldococcus, with approximately 95 % sequence similarity to Methanocaldococcus jannaschii as its closest relative. Cells of the novel ...


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