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Expression, function and regulation of methylthioadenosine phosphorylase in the pathogenesis of chronic liver disease

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Czech, Barbara
Date of publication of this fulltext: 31 Oct 2013 15:53

Abstract (English)

Objective: To study expression and function of methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (MTAP), the rate-limiting enzyme in the methionine and adenine salvage pathway, in chronic liver disease. Design: MTAP expression was analyzed by qRT-PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis. Levels of MTA were determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: MTAP was downregulated in ...


Translation of the abstract (German)

Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Expression und Funktion der Methylthioadenosinphosphorylase (MTAP) in chronischen Lebererkrankungen zu analysieren. Es zeigte sich, dass die MTAP mRNA und Proteinexpression in Hepatozyten im murinen Fibrosemodell sowie in Zirrhosepatienten vermindert vorliegt, während das Substrat 5'-Deoxy-5'-(Methylthio)adenosin (MTA) akkumuliert. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen ...


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