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A highly efficient strategy to determine genotypes of genetically-engineered mice using genomic DNA purified from hair roots

Otaño-Rivera, Víctor ; Boakye, Amma ; Grobe, Nadja ; Almutairi, Mohammed M. ; Kursan, Shams ; Mattis, Lesan K. ; Castrop, Hayo ; Gurley, Susan B. ; Elased, Khalid M. ; Boivin, Gregory P. ; Di Fulvio, Mauricio


Genotyping of genetically-engineered mice is necessary for the effective design of breeding strategies and identification of mutant mice. This process relies on the identification of DNA markers introduced into genomic sequences of mice, a task usually performed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Clearly, the limiting step in genotyping is isolating pure genomic DNA. Isolation of mouse ...


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