| License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (1MB) |
- URN to cite this document:
- urn:nbn:de:bvb:355-epub-397735
- DOI to cite this document:
- 10.5283/epub.39773
Abstract (German)
Familienangehörige und Nahestehende von schwer verletzten UnfallpatientInnen während der Intensivbehandlung wurde mittels semistrukturierter Interviews ermöglicht, ihrem Erleben der Situation Ausdruck zu verleihen. Anhand einer Inhaltsanalyse nach der Grounded Theory Methodology wurden Kategorien aus den Interviews entwickelt. Als Kernkategorie erwies sich die Ungewissheit, die Angehörige in ...
Translation of the abstract (English)
Family members of severely injured critically ill patients were interviewed during the period of intensiv care treatment. The interviews were semi-structured and allowed relatives to express their feelings and perspectives. A grounded theory methodology approach was used to analyse the interviews. The core category was the uncertainty the family members had to live through. Causes and consequences of this feeling of uncertainty and possible interventions are discussed.