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Re-evaluation of neuronal P2X7 expression using novel mouse models and a P2X7-specific nanobody

Kaczmarek-Hajek, Karina ; Zhang, Jiong ; Kopp, Robin ; Grosche, Antje ; Rissiek, Björn ; Saul, Anika ; Bruzzone, Santina ; Engel, Tobias ; Jooss, Tina ; Krautloher, Anna ; Schuster, Stefanie ; Magnus, Tim ; Stadelmann, Christine ; Sirko, Swetlana ; Koch-Nolte, Friedrich ; Eulenburg, Volker ; Nicke, Annette


The P2X7 channel is involved in the pathogenesis of various CNS diseases. An increasing number of studies suggest its presence in neurons where its putative functions remain controversial for more than a decade. To resolve this issue and to provide a model for analysis of P2X7 functions, we generated P2X7 BAC transgenic mice that allow visualization of functional EGFP-tagged P2X7 receptors in ...


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