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Impaired glucose tolerance, glucagon, and insulin responses in mice lacking the loop diuretic-sensitive Nkcc2a transporter

Kelly, Lisa ; Almutairi, Mohammed M. ; Kursan, Shams ; Pacheco, Romario ; Dias-Junior, Eduardo ; Castrop, Hayo ; Di Fulvio, Mauricio


The Na+ K+ 2Cl(-) cotransporter-2 (Nkcc2. Slc12a1) is abundantly expressed in the kidney and its inhibition with the loop-diuretics bumetanide and furosemide has been linked to transient or permanent hyperglycemia in mice and humans. Notably, Slc12a1 is expressed at low levels in hypothalamic neurons and in insulin-secreting beta-cells of the endocrine pancreas. The present study was designed to ...


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