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Myogenic vasoconstriction requires G12/G13 and LARG to maintain local and systemic vascular resistance

Chennupati, Ramesh ; Wirth, Angela ; Favre, Julie ; Li, Rui ; Bonnavion, Rémy ; Jin, Young-June ; Wietelmann, Astrid ; Schweda, Frank ; Wettschureck, Nina ; Henrion, Daniel ; Offermanns, Stefan


Myogenic vasoconstriction is an autoregulatory function of small arteries. Recently, G-protein-coupled receptors have been involved in myogenic vasoconstriction, but the downstream signalling mechanisms and the in-vivo-function of this myogenic autoregulation are poorly understood. Here, we show that small arteries from mice with smooth muscle-specific loss of G(12)/G(13) or the Rho guanine ...


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