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Immune-Deficient Pfp/Rag2-/- Mice Featured Higher Adipose Tissue Mass and Liver Lipid Accumulation with Growing Age than Wildtype C57BL/6N Mice

Winkler, Sandra ; Hempel, Madlen ; Hsu, Mei-Ju ; Gericke, Martin ; Kühne, Hagen ; Brückner, Sandra ; Erler, Silvio ; Burkhardt, Ralph ; Christ, Bruno


Aging is a risk factor for adipose tissue dysfunction, which is associated with inflammatory innate immune mechanisms. Since the adipose tissue/liver axis contributes to hepatosteatosis, we sought to determine age-related adipose tissue dysfunction in the context of the activation of the innate immune system fostering fatty liver phenotypes. Using wildtype and immune-deficient mice, we compared ...


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