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Doxorubicin, vinblastine, dacarbazine and lenalidomide for older Hodgkin lymphoma patients: final results of a German Hodgkin Study Group ( GHSG ) phase‐I trial

Böll, Boris ; Plütschow, Annette ; Bürkle, Carolin ; Atta, Johannes ; Pfreundschuh, Michael ; Feuring‐Buske, Michaela ; Vogelhuber, Martin ; Sökler, Martin ; Eichenauer, Dennis A. ; Thielen, Indra ; Tresckow, Bastian ; Fuchs, Michael ; Engert, Andreas ; Borchmann, Peter


About 30% of all Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) patients are >= 60 years old. As lenalidomide has promising single agent activity in multiple relapsed HL, we replaced bleomycin in ABVD with lenalidomide in this phase-I trial. Patients aged >= 60 years with early-unfavourable- or advanced-stage HL (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status <= 2, Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics ...


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