We present an analytic computation of an explicit renormalisation group flow for cosmological states in loop quantumgravity. Akey ingredient in our analysis are Perelomov coherent states for the Lie group SU(1, 1) whose representation spaces are embedded into the standard loop quantum cosmology (LQC) Hilbert space. The SU(1, 1) group structure enters our analysis by considering a classical set of ...
We present an analytic computation of an explicit renormalisation group flow for cosmological states in loop quantumgravity. Akey ingredient in our analysis are Perelomov coherent states for the Lie group SU(1, 1) whose representation spaces are embedded into the standard loop quantum cosmology (LQC) Hilbert space. The SU(1, 1) group structure enters our analysis by considering a classical set of phase space functions that generates the Lie algebra su(1, 1). We implement this Poisson algebra as operators on the LQC Hilbert space in a non-anomalous way. This task requires a rather involved ordering choice, whose existence is one of the main results of the paper. As a consequence, we can transfer recently established results on coarse graining cosmological states from direct quantisations of the above Poisson algebra to the standard LQC Hilbert space and full theory embeddings thereof. We explicitly discuss how the su(1, 1) representation spaces used in this latter approach are embedded into the LQC Hilbert space and how the su(1, 1) representation label sets a lower cut-off for the loop quantum gravity spins (=U(1) representation labels in LQC). Our results provide an explicit example of a non-trivial renormalisation group flow with a scale set by the su(1, 1) representation label and interpreted as the minimally resolved geometric scale.