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Viral infiltration of pancreatic islets in patients with COVID-19

Steenblock, Charlotte ; Richter, Stefanie ; Berger, Ilona ; Barovic, Marko ; Schmid, Janine ; Schubert, Undine ; Jarzebska, Natalia ; von Mässenhausen, Anne ; Linkermann, Andreas ; Schürmann, Annette ; Pablik, Jessica ; Dienemann, Thomas ; Evert, Katja ; Rodionov, Roman N. ; Semenova, Natalia Y. ; Zinserling, Vsevolod A. ; Gainetdinov, Raul R. ; Baretton, Gustavo ; Lindemann, Dirk ; Solimena, Michele ; Ludwig, Barbara ; Bornstein, Stefan R.


Metabolic diseases are associated with an increased risk of severe COVID-19 and conversely, new-onset hyperglycemia and complications of preexisting diabetes have been observed in COVID-19 patients. Here, we performed a comprehensive analysis of pancreatic autopsy tissue from COVID-19 patients using immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, RNA scope and electron microscopy and detected ...


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