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Novel Approach to Intermediates Containing a Tungsten−Arsenic Triple Bond

DOI to cite this document:
Johnson, Brian P. ; Schiffer, Michael ; Scheer, Manfred
(148kB) - Repository staff only
Date of publication of this fulltext: 21 Jun 2010 12:20


Thermolysis of the arsenidene complex [Cp*As{W(CO)5}2] (1) gave [Cp*(CO)2W(η3-As3)] (2), [{W(CO)3Cp*W}2(μ3-As)4] (3), and [{W(CO)3Cp*W}2(μ3-As)3{μ3-AsW(CO)5}] (4). The products show that 1 has undergone a Cp* migration from the σ-bound state at the As atom to η5 coordination at the transition metal, presumably via an intermediate of the type [Cp*(CO)2WAs→W(CO)5]. In a second transformation ...


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