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Quantum Monte Carlo evidence for d-wave pairing in the two-dimensional Hubbard model at a van Hove singularity

DOI to cite this document:
Husslein, T. ; Morgenstern, Ingo ; Newns, D. M ; Pattnaik, P. C. ; Singer, J. M. ; Matuttis, H. G.
(98kB) - Repository staff only
Date of publication of this fulltext: 09 Aug 2010 12:09


We implement a quantum Monte Carlo calculation for a repulsive Hubbard model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor hopping interactions on clusters up to 12×12. A parameter region where the Fermi level lies close to the van Hove singularity at the saddle points in the bulk band structure is investigated. A pairing tendency in the dx2-y2 symmetry channel, but no other channel, is found. ...


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