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The GTPase assay as a highly sensitive model system for characterization of human cannabinoid
receptors and their ligands.
G alpha i2 co-expression and fusion studies
and the impact of RGS proteins

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Sutor, Sarah
Date of publication of this fulltext: 16 Nov 2010 10:19

Abstract (English)

So far two human cannabinoid receptors (hCBRs) have been identified, both belonging to the family of G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs): the hCB1R mainly located in the brain and the hCB2R predominantly located in the periphery on immune cells. Because of their involvement in many physiological functions, such as movement, metabolic regulation, host defense, analgesia and memory, there is still ...


Translation of the abstract (German)

Die beiden bisher identifizierten humanen Cannabinoidrezeptoren (hCBRs) gehören zur Familie der G Protein gekoppelten Rezeptoren (GPCRs): der hCB1R ist überwiegend im Gehirn lokalisiert und der hCB2R wird hauptsächlich in der Peripherie auf Immunzellen exprimiert. Die Beteiligung an vielen physiologischen Funktionen, wie Koordination von Bewegungsabläufen, Regulation des Energiemetabolismus und ...


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