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The endothelin-A and endothelin-B receptor as potential factors to control synthesis and secretion of renin

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Neder, Thomas Harry
Date of publication of this fulltext: 06 Apr 2018 06:34

Abstract (English)

The secretion and synthesis of renin is regulated by several systemic and local factors. Besides salt balance, extracellular volume and blood pressure, different hormones such as ANG II, arginine vasopressin and norepinephrine were examined as renin mediators. Moreover, endothelins have been hypothesized as negative regulators of renin secretion and synthesis in vitro whereas they have been ...


Translation of the abstract (German)

Die Synthese sowie die Sekretion von Renin sind durch verschiedene systemische sowie lokale Faktoren reguliert. Neben dem Salzhaushalt, Änderungen des Extrazellulären Volumens und dem Blutdruck, modulieren auch Hormone wie ANG II, Arginin Vasopressin und Norepinephrin das Renin Sytem. Zudem konnte in vorherigen Studien gezeigt werden, dass Endotheline negative Regulatoren der Renin Sekretion und ...


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