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Gallstones and incident colorectal cancer in a large pan‐European cohort study

Ward, Heather A. ; Murphy, Neil ; Weiderpass, Elisabete ; Leitzmann, Michael F. ; Aglago, Elom ; Gunter, Marc J. ; Freisling, Heinz ; Jenab, Mazda ; Boutron‐Ruault, Marie‐Christine ; Severi, Gianluca ; Carbonnel, Franck ; Kühn, Tilman ; Kaaks, Rudolf ; Boeing, Heiner ; Tjønneland, Anne ; Olsen, Anja ; Overvad, Kim ; Merino, Susana ; Zamora‐Ros, Raul ; Rodríguez‐Barranco, Miguel ; Dorronsoro, Miren ; Chirlaque, Maria‐Dolores ; Barricarte, Aurelio ; Perez‐Cornago, Aurora ; Trichopoulou, Antonia ; Bamia, Christina ; Lagiou, Pagona ; Masala, Giovanna ; Grioni, Sara ; Tumino, Rosario ; Sacerdote, Carlotta ; Mattiello, Amalia ; Bueno‐de‐Mesquita, Bas ; Vermeulen, Roel ; Van Gils, Carla ; Nyström, Hanna ; Rutegård, Martin ; Aune, Dagfinn ; Riboli, Elio ; Cross, Amanda J.


Gallstones, a common gastrointestinal condition, can lead to several digestive complications and can result in inflammation. Risk factors for gallstones include obesity, diabetes, smoking and physical inactivity, all of which are known risk factors for colorectal cancer (CRC), as is inflammation. However, it is unclear whether gallstones are a risk factor for CRC. We examined the association ...


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