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- URN to cite this document:
- urn:nbn:de:bvb:355-epub-445692
- DOI to cite this document:
- 10.5283/epub.44569
Abstract (German)
Prähospital-Schlaganfall-Skalen unterscheiden nur unzureichend zwischen akutem ischämischem Schlaganfall, einschließlich des Verschlusses großer intrakranieller Gefäße, hämorrhagischem Schlaganfall und Schlaganfall-Mimiken. Aktuelle Point-of-Care-Diagnostik umfasst Serum-Biomarker, Telemedizinische Netzwerke, mobile Stroke Units und den präklinischen Ultraschall. Ziel unserer Studie war es, ein ...
Translation of the abstract (English)
Prehospital stroke scales inadequately distinguish acute ischemic stroke, including occlusion of large intracranial vessels, hemorrhagic stroke, and stroke mimics. Current point-of-care diagnostics include serum biomarkers, telemedicine networks, mobile stroke units, and prehospital ultrasound. The aim of our study was to develop a web-based stroke training program for paramedics that includes ...