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Spin photocurrents and the circular photon drag effect in (110)-grown quantum well structures

DOI to cite this document:
Shalygin, Vadim ; Diehl, Helgi ; Hoffmann, Christoph ; Danilov, Sergey ; Herrle, Thomas ; Tarasenko, Sergey ; Schuh, Dieter ; Gerl, Christian ; Wegscheider, Werner ; Prettl, Wilhelm ; Ganichev, Sergey
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Date of publication of this fulltext: 25 Jan 2010 13:35


The study of spin photocurrents in (110)-grown quantum well structures is reported. The investigated effects comprise the circular photogalvanic effect and so far not observed circular photon drag effect. The experimental data can be described by an analytical expression derived from a phenomenological theory. A microscopic model of the circular photon drag effect is developed demonstrating that the generated current has a spin dependent origin.

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