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GaMnAs grown on (0 0 1), (3 1 1) A and (1 1 0) GAaS substrates: Comparison of growth conditions and post-growth annealing behaviour

DOI to cite this document:
Wurstbauer, Ursula ; Sperl, Matthias ; Schuh, Dieter ; Bayreuther, Günther ; Sadowski, Janusz ; Wegscheider, Werner
(209kB) - Repository staff only
Date of publication of this fulltext: 08 Feb 2010 13:24


Thin GaMnAs layers were grown by low temperature molecular beam epitaxy on (0 0 1), (3 1 1) A and (1 1 0) GaAs substrates. In an effort to increase the ferromagnetic transition temperature TC, we studied growth conditions and the effectiveness of post-growth annealing under an arsenic capping layer and in air. Avoiding As antisite defects with a small As to Ga flux ratio during MBE growth and ...


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