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C-reactive protein as predictor of death in end-stage diabetic nephropathy: role of peripheral arterial disease

DOI to cite this document:
Böger, Carsten A. ; Götz, Angela ; Stubanus, Mike ; Banas, Bernhard ; Deinzer, Martina ; Krüger, Bernd ; Holmer, Stephan R. ; Schmitz, Gerd ; Riegger, Günter A. J. ; Krämer, Bernhard K.
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Date of publication of this fulltext: 05 Aug 2009 13:27


BACKGROUND: Patients with diabetes type 2 receiving dialysis therapy have a poor survival prognosis, mainly due to cardiovascular events. Increased C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, important in atherosclerosis, are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular events. However, to date no study has shown the predictive value of CRP in relation to peripheral arterial disease stage. METHODS: ...


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