We treated 15 patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder by intravesical instillation of doxorubicin hydrochloride. Different dose and interval schedules, that is 40 mg. biweekly and 80 mg. monthly, each resulted in a 66 per cent tumor remission rate. In no instance were undue systemic effects noted; the local side effects were negligible. Cold cup random biopsies were obtained before and ...
We treated 15 patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder by intravesical instillation of doxorubicin hydrochloride. Different dose and interval schedules, that is 40 mg. biweekly and 80 mg. monthly, each resulted in a 66 per cent tumor remission rate. In no instance were undue systemic effects noted; the local side effects were negligible. Cold cup random biopsies were obtained before and during therapy. Light and electron microscopic evaluation revealed a gradual redifferentiation of the malignant urothelium in the course of treatment. In addition, A, B and H antigenicity was assessed and showed a recurrence of initially lacking surface isoantigens in patients with tumor remission.