In order to standardize dual-fluorescence DNA flow cytometry using cytokeratin (CK) antibodies, normal colonic mucosa and tumor tissue were sampled from 308 colorectal surgical specimens. Fresh colon specimens were processed directly and stored frozen until dissociation. The samples were divided into aliquots for manual dissociation with tweezers and scalpel, and parallel dissociation with an ...
In order to standardize dual-fluorescence DNA flow cytometry using cytokeratin (CK) antibodies, normal colonic mucosa and tumor tissue were sampled from 308 colorectal surgical specimens. Fresh colon specimens were processed directly and stored frozen until dissociation. The samples were divided into aliquots for manual dissociation with tweezers and scalpel, and parallel dissociation with an automated disaggregation device (Medimachine, DAKO Diagnostika GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). An indirect immunofluorescence method with anti-cytokeratin antibodies and propidiumiodide was applied and measured on a single-laser flow cytometer (FACScan, Becton Dickinson [BDI], Heidelberg, Germany). Evaluation with CellFit (BDI) or MultiPlus (Phoenix Flow Systems, San Diego, CA) showed that dual-parameter fluorescence propidiumiodide (DNA staining) and fluorescein-isothiocyanate (cytokeratin labeling) provides a reasonable staining method for DNA analysis of epithelial cells. No significant differences in coefficient of variation in CK-gated versus ungated cells could be observed. Normal colon mucosa served as a reliable internal, diploid DNA control. Medimachine dissociation led to a significantly higher gain of cytokeratin-positive cells compared to percentage of cytokeratin-positive cells after manual tissue disaggregation. Cytokeratin gating led to a clear-cut separation of S-phase fractions within the respective ploidy groups, irrespective of manual or automated dissociation. The S-phase fraction increased significantly from normal tissue to diploid and nondiploid tumors. In general, automated tissue preparation with the Medimachine allows simple cell-isolation for dual DNA/CK-flow cytometric measurement, improving the gain of CK-positive cells, and facilitating a standardized DNA analysis.