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From flowerheads of Buphthalmum salicifolium the new acylated flavonol glycosides quercetagetin 7-O-(6''-O-isobutyryl)-beta -glucoside, quercetagetin 7-O-(6''-O-isovaleryl)-beta -glucoside, quercetagetin 7-O-(6''-O-2-methylbutyryl)-beta -glucoside, patuletin 7-O-(6''-O-isobutyryl)-beta -glucoside and the new acylated caffeoylquinic acid deriv., 1-isobutyryl-3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid were ...
From flowerheads of Buphthalmum salicifolium the new acylated flavonol glycosides quercetagetin 7-O-(6''-O-isobutyryl)-beta -glucoside, quercetagetin 7-O-(6''-O-isovaleryl)-beta -glucoside, quercetagetin 7-O-(6''-O-2-methylbutyryl)-beta -glucoside, patuletin 7-O-(6''-O-isobutyryl)-beta -glucoside and the new acylated caffeoylquinic acid deriv., 1-isobutyryl-3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid were isolated, as well as ten common flavonoid glycosides together with three sesquiterpenes, 10-acetoxy-8,9-epoxythymolisobutyrate and S-(+)-dehydrovomifoliol. All structures were mainly established on the basis of UV-, MS- and NMR (1H, 13C, 1H-1H COSY, HMQC and HMBC) spectroscopic data.