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Dokumentenart: | Artikel | ||||
Titel eines Journals oder einer Zeitschrift: | Archiv der Pharmazie | ||||
Verlag: | Wiley | ||||
Band: | 322 | ||||
Nummer des Zeitschriftenheftes oder des Kapitels: | 1 | ||||
Seitenbereich: | S. 25-29 | ||||
Datum: | 1989 | ||||
Zusätzliche Informationen (Öffentlich): | CAN 110:224375 78-7 Inorganic Chemicals and Reactions 591-31-1 (3-Methoxybenzaldehyde) Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (condensation reaction of, with diphenylethylenediamines followed by diaza-Cope rearrangement and ether cleavage by boron tribromide); 58519-80-5 (meso-1,2-Bis(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethylenediamine) Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (condensation reaction of, with methoxybenzaldehyde followed by diaza Cope rearrangement and ether cleavage); 119386-71-9P Role: RCT (Reactant), PREP (Preparation), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (formation and reaction of, with methoxybenzaldehyde followed by diaza-Cope rearrangement and ether cleavage by boron tribromide); 119386-70-8P Role: SPN (Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation) (prepn. and ether cleavage by boron tribromide and resoln. of, by tartaric acid); 93913-16-7P; 119435-17-5P; 120665-17-0P Role: SPN (Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation) (prepn. and ether cleavage of, by boron tribromide); 119386-69-5P Role: RCT (Reactant), SPN (Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (prepn. and hydrolysis of, followed by cleavage reaction with boron tribromide); 93856-31-6P; 93913-25-8P; 93983-45-0P; 119386-68-4P Role: SPN (Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation) (prepn. and proton NMR of); 119435-15-3P; 119435-16-4P; 119479-53-7P; 119479-54-8P Role: SPN (Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation) (prepn. of); 10025-99-7 (Dipotassium tetrachloroplatinate(2-) Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (reaction of, with bis(hydroxyphenyl)ethylenediamine stereoisomers) | ||||
Institutionen: | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Prof. Schönenberger | ||||
Sonstige Projekte: | SFB 234 | ||||
Identifikationsnummer: |
| ||||
Stichwörter / Keywords: | Isomerism and Isomers (stereo-, of bis(3-hydroxyphenyl)ethylenediamine and their platinum complexes) hydroxyphenylethylenediamine stereoisomer platinum hydroxyphenylethylenediamine stereoisomer amine hydroxyphenylethylenedi platinum stereoisomer | ||||
Dewey-Dezimal-Klassifikation: | 500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 540 Chemie | ||||
Status: | Veröffentlicht | ||||
Begutachtet: | Ja, diese Version wurde begutachtet | ||||
An der Universität Regensburg entstanden: | Ja | ||||
Dokumenten-ID: | 17673 |
The prepn. of stereoisomeric 1,2-bis(3-hydroxyphenyl)ethylenediamines (L) from meso-1,2-bis(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethylenediamine and 3-methoxybenzaldehyde by a diaza-Cope-rearrangement and subsequent ether cleavage with BBr3 and their conversion to PtLCl2 with K2PtCl4 are described. PtLCl2 were characterized by CD, IR and NMR spectra.
Metadaten zuletzt geändert: 24 Mai 2018 12:18
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