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Effects of N-aminoacylephedrines, a new class of local anesthetics. Synthesis of local anesthetics with pressor activity

Schönenberger, Helmut ; Sieckmann, W. ; Brinkmann, Rolf


cf. CA 62: 7857h. Among a group of N-aminoalanylephedrines, those with stronger anesthetic power than procaine in rabbit corneas were N-[D-(N,N - dimethylphenylalanyl)] - L - amphetamine, N - [D - (N,N-dimethylphenylalanyl)] - D - ephedrine, N - [D - (N,N - dimethylphenylalanyl(] - L - y - ephedrine, and N - [L - (N,N - dimethylphenylalanyl)]-D-yephedrine. All were more toxic than L-ephedrine.

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