Mg[Pt(CN)₄]•7H₂O belongs to the class of tetracyanoplatinates(II) which crystallize in columnar structures. In different Mx[Pt(CN)₄]•yH₂O (MCP) single crystals the in-chain Pt—Pt-distance R varies between 3.67 Å (NaCP) and 3.15 Å (MgCP). Two optical transitions can be observed in polarized emission with the electric field vector E either parallel or perpendicular to
the columnar (c)-axis. ...
Mg[Pt(CN)₄]•7H₂O belongs to the class of tetracyanoplatinates(II) which crystallize in columnar structures. In different Mx[Pt(CN)₄]•yH₂O (MCP) single crystals the in-chain Pt—Pt-distance R varies between 3.67 Å (NaCP) and 3.15 Å (MgCP). Two optical transitions can be observed in polarized emission with the electric field vector E either parallel or perpendicular to
the columnar (c)-axis. Polarized emission spectra of MgCP are recorded under hydrostatic pressure up to p ca. 18 kbar (at 295 K). The transition energy ν(parallel) can be tuned from 17600 cm⁻¹ to about 12000 cm⁻¹ (2.18-1.48 eV). The pressure induced red shift for the two transitions is: E parallel c:
Δν/Δp = -320 ± 20 cm⁻¹/kbar, E perpendicular c: Δν/Δp = -270 ± 20 cm⁻¹/kbar. These values are discussed in the context of the known functional relationship (for ambient conditions) between ν and R.