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Fiber Optic Ion-Microsensors Based on Luminescence Lifetime

DOI to cite this document:
Werner, Tobias ; Klimant, Ingo ; Huber, Christian ; Krause, Christian ; Wolfbeis, Otto S.
(126kB) - Repository staff only
Date of publication of this fulltext: 18 Apr 2011 13:20


Fiber optic ion-microsensors based on luminescence decay time have been developed for chloride and potassium. The fiber tip coatings consist of the respective ion-selective lipophilic ion carrier, plasticized PVC, and the ruthenium(II) tris-4,4′-diphenyl-2,2′-bipyridyl ion-pair with Bromothymol Blue [Ru(dibipy)3(BTB)2] as a proton donor. The efficacy of radiationless fluorescence energy transfer ...


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