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Nachweis von nukleotidgebundenen 2,6-Didesoxy-3-O-Methylhexosen in Blättern von Nerium oleander L.

Bauer, P. ; Kopp, B. ; Franz, Gerhard


From the leaves of Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae) nucleotide bound D-sarmentose and D-diginose were isolated and purified by use of PVP- and charcoal treatment and further separated by paper chromatography and electrophoresis. D-sarmentose and D-diginose werde identified by repeated thinlayer co-chromatography in two different solvent systems. Complete separation of L-oleandrose, D-cymarose, D-sarmentose, D-diginose and D-digitoxose was achieved for the first time with one single TLC-system.

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