Ion assocn. in aq. solns. of scandium sulfate has been investigated at 25 °C and at concns. from 0.01 to 0.8 M by broadband dielec. spectroscopy over the frequency range 0.2 ≤ ν/GHz ≤ 89. Detailed anal. of the spectra reveals the presence of both inner- and outer-sphere 1:1 [ScSO4]+(aq) complexes, similar to solns. of other high-valent metal sulfates. Outer-outer-sphere 1:1 complexes are ...
Ion assocn. in aq. solns. of scandium sulfate has been investigated at 25 °C and at concns. from 0.01 to 0.8 M by broadband dielec. spectroscopy over the frequency range 0.2 ≤ ν/GHz ≤ 89. Detailed anal. of the spectra reveals the presence of both inner- and outer-sphere 1:1 [ScSO4]+(aq) complexes, similar to solns. of other high-valent metal sulfates. Outer-outer-sphere 1:1 complexes are probably also formed, but their contribution is swamped by the presence of higher-order inner-sphere complexes. The latter predominate in the more concd. solns., causing major changes to the low-frequency end of the spectrum. The data, while not definitive, are consistent with fac-[Sc(SO4)3(OH2)3]3- as the major species present. The speciation is strikingly different from that recently reported for aluminum sulfate solns. and indicates that the often-postulated similarity between the aq. chem. of Al(III) and Sc(III) has to be treated with caution.