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Konduktives Knochenersatzmaterial mit variabler Antibiotikaversetzung ( = Conductive bone substitute material with variable antibiotic delivery)

Englert, Carsten ; Angele, Peter ; Fierlbeck, J. ; Dendorfer, S. ; Schubert, T. ; Müller, Rainer ; Lienhard, S. ; Zeller, J. ; Nerlich, Michael ; Neumann, C.


BACKGROUND: A new bone substitute, consisting of hydroxylapatite and calcium sulphate, was prepared in two formulations and analysed for its mechanical strength and antibiotic elution. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The bone substitute PerOssal has osteoconductive and degradable properties. The material has a built-in capillary structure, which results in an immediate fluid uptake. Antibiotics ...


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