Resource access control is at the heart of many collabora-
tion platforms. Thus the usability of used techniques is cru-
cial for projects with high expectations to response times in
the collaboration process. The special case described in this
paper is using the anonymous credential system Idemix in a
such a project basing in its turn on distributed user interfaces
(DUIs) to enhance decision ...
Resource access control is at the heart of many collabora-
tion platforms. Thus the usability of used techniques is cru-
cial for projects with high expectations to response times in
the collaboration process. The special case described in this
paper is using the anonymous credential system Idemix in a
such a project basing in its turn on distributed user interfaces
(DUIs) to enhance decision making in disaster situations. We
show the potential of using Idemix to enhance the usability of
decision making in crisis related social interaction by using
DUIs. Idemix and proof-based credential systems in general
could ease transparently performing authorization, e.g. with-
out any user intervention at the level of the user interface. We
present this exemplary with means of a developed prototypic
mobile application for supporting collaborative scenarios for
the BMBF RescueIT and projects along with the WallShare
System. Further, we present the IdeREST implementation of
Idemix in order to support non-Java devices such as Windows
Phone 7 used for the developed prototype.