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Sodium fluorescein-guided resection under the YELLOW 560 nm surgical microscope filter in malignant brain tumor surgery--a feasibility study

Schebesch, Karl-Michael ; Proescholdt, Martin A. ; Höhne, Julius ; Hohenberger, Christoph ; Hansen, Ernil ; Riemenschneider, Markus J. ; Ullrich, Winfried ; Doenitz, Christian ; Schlaier, Juergen ; Lange, Max ; Brawanski, Alexander


The use of FL for the resection of brain tumors is safe and feasible. Presumably, the visualization of the tumor margin depends on the histopathology and on the pre-treatment status. A randomized evaluation of FL under the YELLOW 560 nm filter is planned to prospectively analyze the extent of resection in patients with malignant brain tumors.

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