Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is an empirical data decomposition technique. Recently there is growing interest in applying EMD in the biomedical field.
New method
EMDLAB is an extensible plug-in for the EEGLAB toolbox, which is an open software environment for electrophysiological data analysis.
EMDLAB can be used to perform, easily and effectively, four common types of ...
Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is an empirical data decomposition technique. Recently there is growing interest in applying EMD in the biomedical field.
New method
EMDLAB is an extensible plug-in for the EEGLAB toolbox, which is an open software environment for electrophysiological data analysis.
EMDLAB can be used to perform, easily and effectively, four common types of EMD: plain EMD, ensemble EMD (EEMD), weighted sliding EMD (wSEMD) and multivariate EMD (MEMD) on EEG data. In addition, EMDLAB is a user-friendly toolbox and closely implemented in the EEGLAB toolbox.
Comparison with existing methods
EMDLAB gains an advantage over other open-source toolboxes by exploiting the advantageous visualization capabilities of EEGLAB for extracted intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and Event-Related Modes (ERMs) of the signal.
EMDLAB is a reliable, efficient, and automated solution for extracting and visualizing the extracted IMFs and ERMs by EMD algorithms in EEG study.