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Epileptic Activity Increases Cerebral Amino Acid Transport Assessed by 18 F-Fluoroethyl-l-Tyrosine Amino Acid PET: A Potential Brain Tumor Mimic

Hutterer, Markus ; Ebner, Yvonne ; Riemenschneider, Markus J. ; Willuweit, Antje ; McCoy, Mark ; Egger, Barbara ; Schröder, Michael ; Wendl, Christina ; Hellwig, Dirk ; Grosse, Jirka ; Menhart, Karin ; Proescholdt, Martin ; Fritsch, Brita ; Urbach, Horst ; Stockhammer, Guenther ; Roelcke, Ulrich ; Galldiks, Norbert ; Meyer, Philipp T. ; Langen, Karl-Josef ; Hau, Peter ; Trinka, Eugen


O-(2-F-18-fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine (F-18-FET) PET is a well-established method increasingly used for diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring in gliomas. Epileptic activity, frequently occurring in glioma patients, can influence MRI findings. Whether seizures also affect F-18-FET PET imaging is currently unknown. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to investigate the brain amino acid ...


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