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A Complex Endomembrane System in the Archaeon Ignicoccus hospitalis Tapped by Nanoarchaeum equitans

Heimerl, Thomas ; Flechsler, Jennifer ; Pickl, Carolin ; Heinz, Veronika ; Salecker, Benjamin ; Zweck, Josef ; Wanner, Gerhard ; Geimer, Stefan ; Samson, Rachel Y. ; Bell, Stephen D. ; Huber, Harald ; Wirth, Reinhard ; Wurch, Louie ; Podar, Mircea ; Rachel, Reinhard


Based on serial sectioning, focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM), and electron tomography, we depict in detail the highly unusual anatomy of the marine hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon, Ignicoccus hospitalis. Our data support a complex and dynamic endomembrane system consisting of cytoplasmic protrusions, and with secretory function. Moreover, we reveal that the cytoplasm of the ...


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