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Predicting habitat affinities of plant species using commonly measured functional traits

Shipley, Bill ; Belluau, Michael ; Kühn, Ingolf ; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A. ; Bahn, Michael ; Penuelas, Josep ; Kattge, Jens ; Sack, Lawren ; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine ; Ozinga, Wim A. ; Blonder, Benjamin ; van Bodegom, Peter M. ; Manning, Peter ; Hickler, Thomas ; Sosinski, Enio ; Pillar, Valério De Patta ; Onipchenko, Vladimir ; Poschlod, Peter ; Mason, Norman


QuestionsHeinz Ellenberg classically defined indicator scores for species representing their typical positions along gradients of key environmental variables, and these have proven very useful for designating ecological distributions. We tested a key tenent of trait-based ecology, i.e. the ability to predict ecological preferences from species' traits. More specifically, can we predict Ellenberg ...


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