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Spectral focusing of broadband silver electroluminescence in nanoscopic FRET-LEDs

Puchert, Robin P. ; Steiner, Florian ; Plechinger, Gerd ; Hofmann, Felix J. ; Caspers, Ines ; Kirschner, Johanna ; Nagler, Philipp ; Chernikov, Alexey ; Schüller, Christian ; Korn, Tobias ; Vogelsang, Jan ; Bange, Sebastian ; Lupton, John M.


Few inventions have shaped the world like the incandescent bulb. Edison used thermal radiation from ohmically heated conductors, but some noble metals also exhibit 'cold' electroluminescence in percolation films(1,2), tunnel diodes(3), electromigrated nanoparticle aggregates(4,5), optical antennas(6) or scanning tunnelling microscopy(7-9). The origin of this radiation, which is spectrally broad ...


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