Part-list cuing—the detrimental effect of the presentation of a subset of studied items on recall of the remaining noncue items—was examined in three different study conditions and in the presence and absence of the noncues' initial letters serving as item-specific probes. With a single study trial, part-list cuing was observed both with and without item-specific probes. By contrast, when ...
Part-list cuing—the detrimental effect of the presentation of a subset of studied items on recall of the remaining noncue items—was examined in three different study conditions and in the presence and absence of the noncues' initial letters serving as item-specific probes. With a single study trial, part-list cuing was observed both with and without item-specific probes. By contrast, when participants received two study-test cycles or interrelated list items to a common story, part-list cues were found to be detrimental only in the absence of item-specific probes, but not in their presence. These results indicate that the role of item-specific probes in part-list cuing depends on encoding. The findings are consistent with a recent two-mechanism account of part-list cuing (Bäuml & Aslan, 2006), according to which two different mechanisms mediate the effect in different encoding situations.