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The angiotensin receptor-associated protein Atrap is a stimulator of the cardiac Ca2+-ATPase SERCA2a

Mederle, Katharina ; Gess, Bernhard ; Pluteanu, Florentina ; Plackic, Jelena ; Tiefenbach, Klaus-Jürgen ; Grill, Alexandra ; Kockskämper, Jens ; Castrop, Hayo


The angiotensin II type 1 receptor-associated protein (Atrap) is highly expressed in the heart, but its function in the heart is unknown. We hypothesized that cardiac Atrap may interact with proteins other than the AT1 receptor. To identify potential novel interacting partners of Atrap, pull-down assays were performed. Sequencing by MALDI-MS of the isolated complexes showed that Atrap interacts ...


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