Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy is employed to investigate experimentally the reversal of the magnetic vortex core polarity in cylindrical Ni81Fe19 nanodisks triggered by two orthogonal monopolar magnetic field pulses with peak amplitude B-0, pulse length tau = 60 ps, and delay time Delta t in the range from -400 ps to +400 ps between the two pulses. The two pulses are oriented in-plane in ...
Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy is employed to investigate experimentally the reversal of the magnetic vortex core polarity in cylindrical Ni81Fe19 nanodisks triggered by two orthogonal monopolar magnetic field pulses with peak amplitude B-0, pulse length tau = 60 ps, and delay time Delta t in the range from -400 ps to +400 ps between the two pulses. The two pulses are oriented in-plane in the x- and y-directions. We have experimentally studied vortex core reversal as a function of B-0 and Delta t. The resulting phase diagram shows large regions of unidirectional vortex core switching where the switching threshold is modulated due to resonant amplification of azimuthal spin waves. The switching behavior changes dramatically depending on whether the first pulse is applied in the x- or the y-direction. This asymmetry can be reproduced by three-dimensional micromagnetic simulations but not by two-dimensional simulations. This behavior demonstrates that in contrast to the previous experiments on vortex core reversal, the three-dimensionality in the dynamics is essential here. (C) 2016 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).